Sponsorships | Compass Career Fairs
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Compass Career Fairs

Sponsor Packages

Compass Career Fairs LLC Sponsorship Packages are geared to provide the highest levels of professional exposure to all attending vendors and attendees. We specialize in sponsoring only the best events possible and our past events have consistently brought in an average of 1000+ attendees, as well as 90+ vendors looking to hire, advertise and market their individual businesses.  When you attend a Compass Career Fairs LLC event you will experience what a successful networking event is meant to be.


*Please read through our Sponsorship Packages and click the button below to register for an event sponsorship option.

If you have any questions please contact us at shane@compasscareerfairs.com or call 801.710.3700


Platinum Sponsor - $3000


   *This sponsorship includes the cost of the booth registration.

  • Premier Event Booth Space, including two (2) booth spaces and lunch for up to four (4) attendees (power and Wi-Fi included)

  • Speech/speaking opportunity at the Vendor/Employer Lunch
    (10 minutes), including inclusion on the agenda sent to all
    attending recruiters.

  • Company banner (This can be provided by you, or we can have
    one created) hanging at the front registration entrance and throughout the event.

  • Business Name & Sponsorship recognition in multiple pre-event digital advertisements to both Vendors/Employers and Attendees/Job Seekers

  • Inclusion in our key sponsor's page on the Compass Career
    Fairs website, for one (1) year, with direct links to any website
    of your choosing

  • Pre Event email and social media marketing campaign with exclusive information on your company, including job postings and any additional marketing information you are looking to communicate. Over 5000 local active job seeker emails & 10,000+ followers on social media.

  • Sponsorship Recognition during welcome speech with company logo projected throughout the event as a key sponsor.

  • Marketing material included in Vendor Welcome Packet
    (marketing material provided by you)

  • Name and Logo recognition on Attendee / Job Seeker Vendor Booth Maps (1000+ maps printed)

  • Post Event Marketing Email Campaign to all attending community members, job seekers, vendors and employers.

Silver Sponsor - $800

INTERVIEW ROOM SPONSORSHIP (availability varies per event)

   *This sponsorship does not include the cost of the booth registration, which is billed separately. 

  • Premier Event Booth Space, including one (1) booth space and lunch for up to two (2) attendees (power and Wi-Fi included) plus additional space in the Employer Interview Room.

  • Company banner (This can be provided by you, or we can have one created) hanging in the Employer Interview Room throughout the event.

  • Business Name & Sponsorship recognition in multiple pre-event digital advertisements to both Vendors/Employers and Attendees/Job Seekers

  • Sponsorship Recognition during welcome speech with company logo projected throughout the event as a key sponsor.

  • Marketing material included in Vendor Welcome Packet (marketing material provided by you)


Gold Sponsor - $2000


   *This sponsorship includes the cost of booth registration.

  • Premier Event Booth Space, including two (2) front entrance booth spaces and lunch for up to four (4) attendees (power and Wi-Fi included)

  • Company banner (This can be provided by you, or we can have one created) hanging at the front registration entrance and throughout the event. You will be the very first hiring company every job seeker sees.

  • Business Name & Sponsorship recognition in multiple pre-event digital advertisements to both Vendors/Employers and Attendees/Job Seekers

  • Pre-Event email and social media marketing campaign with exclusive information on your company, including job postings and any additional marketing information you are looking to communicate.

  • Inclusion in our key sponsors page on the Compass Career Fairs website, for one (1) year, with direct links to any website of your choosing

  • Sponsorship Recognition during welcome speech with company logo projected throughout the event as a key sponsor.

  • Marketing material included in Vendor Welcome Packet (marketing material provided by you)

  • Name and Logo recognition on Attendee / Job Seeker Attending Companies Maps (500+ maps printed)

  • Post Event Marketing Email Campaign to all attending community members, job seekers, vendors, and employers.

Bronze Sponsor - $500


   *This sponsorship does not include the cost of the booth registration, which is billed separately. 

  • Pre-Event email and social media marketing campaign with exclusive information on your company, including job postings and any additional marketing information you are looking to communicate. *

  • Connect with our entire network before the event to help job seekers gain a better understanding of your business, open positions, and opportunities they can expect to learn about when they visit you at the event.

  • Sponsorship Recognition during the welcome speech with your company logo projected throughout the event as a key sponsor.


Passport to Success Sponsor - $300

*this sponsorship does not include the booth registration cost, which is billed separately (10 AVAILABLE)

  • Inclusion in our Passport to Success Prize Giveaway Passport Program, specially geared to require each attending job seeker to visit the 10 sponsor booths, during the event, for a stamp and inclusion in an iPad giveaway (this prize is separate from our normal prize giveaways)

  • If you are looking to speak with the highest volume of people, this is the best and most affordable way to do so.

  • Business Name & Sponsorship recognition in multiple pre-event digital advertisements to both Vendors/Employers and Attendees/Job Seekers


Compass Career Fairs


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  • Twitter Black Round
  • LinkedIn - Black Circle

EMAIL: support@compasscareerfairs.com

CALL: 801-710-3700 (ask for Shane)

MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 12471 Ogden, UT 84412

© 2014-2024 by Compass Career Fairs LLC. All rights reserved.

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